Lucapa Sales Surge in Buoyant Market

Lucapa Diamond Company

Lucapa Diamond Company’s revenue rose in the third quarter amid strong demand and an increase in sales volume.

Sales from the miner’s Lulo deposit in Angola and Mothae in Lesotho soared 86% to $8.6 million for the three months ending September 30, it said last week. Sales volume jumped 57% to 15,690 carats, outweighing a 14% drop in the average price to $995 per carat.

“The market for diamonds continued to be buoyant in a constrained rough-supply environment,” said Lucapa managing director Stephen Wetherall. “As a result, we have upgraded our full-year guidance.”

Production from Lulo increased 1% year on year during the quarter to 9,444 carats, with the miner recovering 83 diamonds above 10.8 carats. The largest of those was a 94-carat, D-color, type IIa white stone. Lucapa also unearthed several fancy-pink diamonds during the quarter, it noted.

Output from Mothae came to 9,567 carats, with 60 diamonds weighing more than 10.8 carats. The Australia-based miner recovered a 51-carat stone, along with a number of fancy-light pinks and yellows. Lucapa did not produce any rough from Mothae during the same period last year, as the site was on care and maintenance due to Covid-19-related regulations in Lesotho.

Lucapa has made progress toward satisfying the conditions for its acquisition of the Merlin mine in Australia. It believes the final outstanding conditions will be dealt with in the fourth quarter.

The company upgraded its guidance for the full year due to the strong demand. It expects revenue to be between AUD 66 million ($48.9 million) and AUD 71 million ($52.6 million), compared to the AUD 50 million ($37 million) to AUD 56 million ($41.5 million) it forecast in May.

The miner is also conducting exploration at the Brooking lamproite project in Australia and the Orapa site in Botswana.

Image: A selection of rough white, pink and yellow diamonds sold during the quarter.


Lucapa acquires Merlin diamond project in Australia

Merlin diamond mine in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Lucapa Diamond announced that it has entered into a binding asset sale agreement for the acquisition of a 24km2 mining lease and a 283km2 exploration tenement encompassing the mining lease and associated equipment and assets the Merlin Assets from Merlin Operations Pty.

Merlin Operations is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Merlin Diamonds Limited, which is in liquidation. The Merlin Tenements are located in the Northern Territory of Australia, approximately 720km southeast of Darwin.

Merlin is home to Australia’s largest mined rough diamond on record and has the potential to be the
only producing diamond mine in Australia, following the closure of Rio Tinto’s iconic Argyle mine in 2020, after 37 years in production.

The strategic acquisition is supported by a A$20 million ($15.5m) private placement plus a share purchase plan to raise up to A$3 million ($2.3m).

The acquisition price of A$8.5m cash represents a ~A$2/ carat multiple on Merlin’s existing 4.4m
carat JORC compliant resource and complements Lucapa’s existing portfolio, the company said, adding a near-term development opportunity with an existing 4.4m carat mineral resource estimate in Australia to Lucapa’s two existing producing assets in Angola and Lesotho.

The ~300km2 tenement package also comes with significant exploration upside, Lucapa said, through over 70 unresolved anomalies in areas where all kimberlite discoveries have been diamondiferous.


Lucapa recovered a 100 carat diamond

lulo 100 ct rough diamond

Lucapa Diamond Company and its partners, Empresa Nacional de Diamantes E.P. and Rosas & Petalas, have recovered the 23rd rough diamond over 100 carats at the Sociedade Mineira Do Lulo from the Lulo alluvial diamond mine in Angola.

The 144 carat Type IIa D colour diamond was recovered from Mining Block 08, is the sixth 100 carat diamond recovered in 2021 so far and 23rd 100 carat stone recovered at Lulo since exploration and mining operations began.

Including the first 100 carat recovery from MB46 as 2020 ended, SML has now recovered seven 100 carat diamonds in a little over three months. With these 100 carat recoveries and the two Special pink diamonds in inventory, SML is well positioned to achieve record diamond revenues for the first half of 2021.

Source: miningreview

Three +100 carat diamonds recovered at Lucapa’s Lulo mine

Lucapa rough diamonds

Lucapa Diamond Company and its partners Endiama and Rosas & Petalas have announced the recovery of three +100 carat diamonds by Sociedade Mineira Do Lulo from the Lulo alluvial diamond mine in Angola.

The 131-carat is a Type IIa D-colour diamond, the 118-carat is a brown diamond and the 133-carat stone is a lower-quality grey diamond.

Six +100 carat diamonds have been recovered from Mining Block 46 (MB46) in the last three months, reaffirming its recent elevation to the Lulo mining block with the best +100 carat diamond occurrence rate – one +100 carat diamond for every ~20,000 bcm’s of gravel.

The Canguige catchment and adjacent priority kimberlites are already the focus of the Project Lulo JV kimberlite exploration program, and the frequent recovery of large high-value diamonds underpins the prospectivity of this area.

Source: miningreview

Lucapa recovers third 100+ carat diamond for 2021

114-carat white diamond recovered at Lulo

Lucapa Diamond Company has discovered a 114-carat white diamond from the Lulo alluvial diamond mine in Angola, Africa.

The 114-carat Type IIa D-colour white diamond is the third diamond mined from Lulo’s mining block 46 (MB46) in the last eight weeks.

Lucapa managing director Stephen Wetherall said block 46 was the best mined block to date.

Lucapa stated that the new discovery demonstrated the value of Lulo’s Canguige catchment and its adjacent kimberlites.

“To date, MB46 has averaged one 100-plus carat diamond recovered for every ~33,000 billion cubic metres of gravel processed. This is the best occurrence rate for any block mined to date at Lulo, including the prolific MB08,” Lucapa stated.

The 114 carat diamond is the 19th 100-plus carat diamond recovered from Lulo.

Lucapa started commercial diamond production at the site in 2015.

The recovery follows Lucapa’s announcement of discovering a 215-carat diamond from its Mothae kimberlite mine in Lesotho, Africa this week.

Lucapa plans to expand Mothae to a 1.6 million tonnes a year processing capacity, a 45 per cent increase from its current rate.

Source: australianmining

Lucapa finds massive white diamond at Mothae

215-carat diamond

Lucapa Diamond Company has recovered a 215-carat diamond from the Mothae kimberlite mine in Lesotho, Africa.

The discovery is the largest Type IIa D-colour white diamond recovered through the 1.1 million tonnes a year Mothae plant since mining operations commenced in January 2019.

The stone is also the second 200-carat-plus and fifth 100-carat-plus diamond recovered through the plant.

Lucapa managing director Stephen Wetherall said the continued recovery of large diamonds at Mothae validated its recent investment decision to expand capacity at the mine.

The company plans to expand Mothae’s processing capacity by around 45 per cent to 1.6 million tonnes a year.

This is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2021.

“Lucapa has now produced 23 (100-carat-plus) diamonds, four of which are greater than 200 carats (across the two mines) and we, together with the (Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho) as mine partner in Lesotho and Endiama and Rosas & Petalas as mine partners in Angola, look forward to many more such exceptional mining recoveries,” Wetherall said.

The Lesotho Government holds a 30 per cent stake in the Mothae mine, with Lucapa holding the remaining 70 per cent.

Source: Australian mining

Lucapa’s Lulo diamonds fetch US$5.9 million


Lucapa Diamond Company and its partners have announced the results of the first diamond sale of 2021 by Sociedade Mineria Do Lulo (SML) from its Lulo alluvial mine in Angola.

The rough diamond parcel of 4,273 carats was sold for a total of US$5.9 million (A$7.7 million) or US$1,375 (A$1,793) per carat.

Lucapa MD, Stephen Wetherall comments: “As with the first sale of Mothae diamonds in 2021, prices achieved by SML at this sale continued to reflect the positive industry mood, and with sales from both operations in 2021 already totalling A$15 million, it has been a solid start to the year.”

Source: miningreview

Bristow to finally put Rockwell Diamonds saga to bed after firm unveils wind-up plan

Lucapa diamonds

MARK Bristow, CEO of Barrick Gold Corporation, is to finally close the book on Rockwell Diamonds, a company he chaired and which he once attempted to save from bankruptcy.

Rockwell Diamonds announced today the Canadian listing authority had revoked a cease trade order which had been issued as the company had previously failed to produce quarterly numbers with the accompanying management discussion.

The company today filed third quarter numbers and announced its intention to wind up its affairs in which a company owned by Bristow, ‘Bristco’ would mop up the interests of minority shareholders in Rockwell and put them into ‘Amalco’.

Dissenting shareholders would have their interests exchanged on a one-for-one basis for redeemable preference shares of Amalco.

The redeemable preference shares would then be immediately redeemed by Amalco in exchange for half a Canadian cent per share, payable in cash. A meeting of shareholders requiring a simple majority has been arranged for March 2.

Bristow first sought to bail out Rockwell Diamonds, which was once run by his brother, John Bristow, in 2014, in which Mark Bristow bought $1.1m in debentures. In 2016, Bristow embarked on a process of ‘fumigation’ in which he restructured the firm’s board and conducted an overview of its operating activities.

Unfortunately, the company never managed to gain traction at its key asset, the 200,000 cubic metres a month Wouterspan, situated in the alluvial diamond fields region of the Northern Cape province.

There was a proposed $8m recapitalisation of the company in 2017.

The company was subsequently put into liquidation proceedings following attempts by a business practitioner to save it from failure. The company was in and out of court throughout this period with claims of corruption involving contractors.

In 2019, Bristow completed the merger of his Randgold Resources with Barrick Gold, a fabulously successful transaction which as coincided with high gold prices.


Lucapa’s run of recovering +100 carat diamonds continues

Lucapa 18th 100 carat white diamond

Lucapa Diamond Company and its partners have announced the recovery of the 18th +100 carat white diamond by Sociedade Mineria Do Lulo (SML) from its Lulo alluvial mine in Angola.

The recovery of this second +100 carat diamond from Mining Block 46 (MB46), a 104 carat D colour white stone, so soon after the 113 carat D colour white stone, indicates the potential for these blocks as the company moves deeper into the southern terraces.


Mothae diamonds sell for $7.2 million

lucapa Mothae diamonds

Lucapa Diamond Company and its partner, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho, have provided an update on the first sale of diamonds in 2021 from the Mothae kimberlite mine in Lesotho.

The parcel of 4,676 carats of rough diamonds were sold for a total of US$5.6 million or US$1,198 per carat. This is the highest average US$ per carat price achieved by Mothae on the sale of any run of mine production parcel.

The sale included a number of Specials (diamonds weighing >10.8 carats), including the 101 carat D colour diamond recovered following re-opening of the mine in Q4 2020, which is the most valuable diamond recovered to date at Mothae.

Lucapa MD, Stephen Wetherall comments:

“Following a tough 2020, where both of our mines were impacted by the pandemic, our valued teams have shown their resilience and operations have bounced back strongly.

“The good recoveries at both mines and growing demand leading to strengthening diamond prices has seen a strong start to 2021.”

“We look forward to Mothae receiving further value following implementation of the cutting and polishing partnership and to completing the expansion at Mothae this quarter.”

Source: miningreview