Midsize Stones Sluggish at Petra Diamond Tender

Petra Diamonds’ rough prices decreased at its first tender of the fiscal year as the anticipated pickup in demand proved disappointing.

The August trading session brought in $79.3 million from the sale of 696,194 carats, with like-for-like prices — those for similar categories of diamonds — falling 4.3% compared with May, the miner reported Friday.

The slowdown was primarily due to flagging prices for rough between 2 and 10.8 carats, which dropped 14% on a like-for-like basis. Prices for diamonds under 2 carats rose 1% to 2%, Petra noted.

While the tender saw strong attendance, “demand was more muted than we had expected in exiting the summer holiday period,” explained Petra CEO Richard Duffy. “The expected seasonal improvement in demand was evident for higher-quality 10.8-carat-plus stones, with solid prices realized. [However,] this was offset by slower demand for 2- to 10-carat size ranges.”

The miner did not sell any exceptional stones during the tender, it reported, though it did garner $1.7 million for a 20.9-carat yellow diamond from its Cullinan deposit.

Overall sales value rose 88% from May’s $42.1 million but slid 23% from the equivalent tender a year earlier, which took place in September 2022. Sales volume was up 49% from May and 34% year on year, while the average price jumped to $114 per carat from the previous tender’s $90.

The August tender did not include any output from the Williamson mine; Petra plans to sell material from that site at its September sale. However, the latest round did feature all the rough Petra had chosen to defer in June, when it postponed its sixth tender due to the sluggish market.

The August sale also contained 75,880 carats of goods that Petra had withdrawn from the May tender due to low bids. Prices for those goods were largely unchanged from May’s offers, but Petra expects demand to rise in the coming months.

“As we enter a seasonally stronger period [that] includes Diwali, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Chinese New Year, we remain optimistic that jewelry demand will improve and provide some support to prices over the balance of the calendar year,” Duffy said.

Main image: Ore processing at the Williamson mine.

Source: Diamonds.net

Former De Beers Chairman Julian Ogilvie Thompson Dies

Mr Julian Ogilvie Thompson

Julian Ogilvie Thompson, former chairman and CEO of De Beers as well as of its parent company, Anglo American, died on August 11 aged 89.

Ogilvie Thompson, a South African native, first joined Anglo American in 1956. He was promoted to personal assistant to then chairman Harry Oppenheimer a year later, De Beers told Rapaport News. In 1966, he joined the board of De Beers, and he became deputy chairman in 1982. Three years later, Ogilvie Thompson took over as executive chairman of De Beers, while Oppenheimer’s son, Nicky, filled his previous role.

In 1997, Ogilvie Thompson retired as chairman but remained deputy chairman until stepping down from the company in 2002. He was committed to supporting the development of young leaders from across Africa, forming an 18-year affiliation with the Mandela Rhodes Foundation, which offers scholarship and leadership programs to youth throughout the continent.

“Julian Ogilvie Thompson — often known in the business simply as JOT — was a hugely influential figure in the history not only of De Beers and Anglo American, but also in the broader South African landscape,” a De Beers spokesperson said. “As the former chairman and chief executive of both Anglo American and De Beers, and as a proud South African, he played a key role in shaping both companies and the nation.”

Source: Diamonds.net

De Beers Loosens Buying Rules as Inventories Accumulate

De Beers will allow sightholders to defer up to half of rough purchases to early next year amid sluggish consumer demand and high midstream stockpiles, market insiders told Rapaport News Wednesday.

The miner wrote to customers on Friday, informing them that they could avoid buying parts of their allocations of 1-carat goods and larger for the rest of 2023, the sources said on condition of anonymity. The allowance is 25% by value for some boxes and 50% for others, and applies to sights 8 to 10 — which will take place in September, October and December.

The rule does not apply to the August sight, which runs this week in Botswana, they added.

De Beers does not usually let sightholders defer more than one box per category of rough diamonds in each half year. In normal circumstances, failure to buy can affect access to goods in future intention-to-offer (ITO) periods — the yearlong session for which allocations are planned.

The new concession is unusual because it allows buyers to push off purchases to a new ITO. De Beers did not specify when the final deadline would be in early 2024, the sources said.

However, it told clients they must buy at least 65% of the non-deferred goods or the deferred stones will count as refusals, the sources explained.

The move comes amid persistent weak retail sales in the US and China. Manufacturers have been carrying large inventories of the less salable polished, especially in the 0.30- to 2.99-carat sizes that originate from rough above 0.75 carats. 

“There is already a buildup of polished, and therefore there is enough…to fulfill the demand for the holiday,” said one of the sources. “[De Beers will] keep [the rough] for you rather than sightholders needing to buy it and store it themselves.”

Rough prices were stable at this week’s sight, while the buyback policy remains unchanged, the market participants noted. This allows clients to sell up to 10% or up to 30% of purchases back to De Beers, depending on the category.

“We continue to provide sightholders with elements of supply flexibility to support their business needs in response to evolving demand plans,” a De Beers spokesperson commented.

Source: Diamonds.net

China’s Gold Economy: Consumer desire for gold increases, desire for diamonds decreases

In the first half of this year, China consumed nearly 555 tons of gold, up more than 16 percent year-on-year. The trend has been described as a domestic gold craze. But diamonds seem to have lost their attraction, as the market size in China declined to 11.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, 2.5 billion dollars less than in 2021. Xu Hua has more from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, China’s biggest distribution center for wholesale jewelry.

XU HUA Shenzhen Shuibei Jewelry Market “We’re at Shenzhen’s Shuibei Jewelry Market, the biggest wholesale market of its kind in China. The market has been crowded with consumers from all over the country for months, as international gold prices continue to rise. Let’s go and see what the best seller is here.”

The hustle and bustle of the Shuibei Jewelry Market since the beginning of 2023 marked a strong comeback from last year. With attractive designs, diverse styles and low prices, dozens of deals can be reached in seconds.

YU WANLING Shenzhen Resident “Shuibei is well-known for its gold sales. The quality gold is more reassuring than other places.”

ZHENG CE Shenzhen Resident “We are about to get married. We prefer to buy some gold rather than diamonds for inheritance or for wearing.”

China’s domestic consumption of gold jewelry reached 555 tons in the first half of 2023. Among the gold consumption, the purchase of gold bars jumped 30 percent year-on-year to 146 tons, while that of gold jewelry reached 368 tons, up almost 15 percent from the same period last year.

HAO RUNSONG General Manager, Lidu Gold “In 2023, our gold sales increased by 20-30 percent compared with last year.”

By contrast, the doorways of neighboring diamond stores looked relatively lonely, as the precious gems lost some significant value over the last few months.

LIU JINGLI Manager, Yishidai Jewelry “The retail transaction volume of diamond inlays is relatively low, and the wholesale sales of our diamond inlays is also declining.”

ZHAO LI Director, The Gold Plaza Operation Center “The sales of diamond jewelry have declined slightly, partly due to falling prices, fewer marriages, the impact of cultivated diamonds, and changing buyer behaviour.”

For daily social needs, some consumers looked to art jewelry as an alternative to diamond jewelry.

HUANG WEIJUN Brand Director, Shenzhen REIEN Jewelry “Our sales of art jewelry in the first half of this year have increased by about 300 percent over the whole of last year.”

Some economists say the booming gold sales are a direct reflection of a gloomy economic outlook.

WU HAIFENG Executive Director, Shenzhen Institute of Data Economy “When people feel uncertainty about the future, especially on the economy, especially about the income growth, people will think to change their investments platform from a variety of the financial products to hard currencies such as gold, such as real estate.”

However, Wu says that the real estate market hasn’t looked good since the beginning of the last year, so Chinese consumers and investors have been looking at other products. Wu added proper stimulative policies are still needed to ensure a healthy market and economic rebound. Xu Hua, CGTN, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

555 carat Diamond Bought with Illicit Funds, SEC Says

Cryptocurrency mogul Richard Heart allegedly used proceeds from the sale of unregistered securities to buy the 555-carat Enigma diamond, according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The SEC has charged Heart — who was born Richard Schueler and who created the Hex cryptocurrency token — with selling the securities to raise more than $1 billion from investors. It alleges that Heart and his PulseChain company committed fraud by misappropriating at least $12 million of those funds to purchase luxury items, including sports cars, watches and the diamond.

“Heart called on investors to buy crypto asset securities in offerings that he failed to register,” Eric Werner, director of the SEC’s Fort Worth regional office, said in a statement Monday. “He then defrauded those investors by spending some of their crypto assets on exorbitant luxury goods.”

The Enigma, which is believed to have come from outer space, is the largest faceted diamond of any kind to appear at auction. Heart purchased it from Sotheby’s at a one-off sale in February 2022 for GBP 3.2 million ($4.3 million). At the time, Heart tweeted that he had bought the stone and would rename it the Hex.com diamond as a nod to his cryptocurrency platform, calling it a “match made in heaven.” Hex has a “5555 day club” comprising people who hold 5,555-day Hex stakes — the longest possible stake in the electronic token.

Sotheby’s, which accepted payment for the Enigma, was not mentioned as a defendant in the SEC’s lawsuit.

“Sotheby’s does not comment on individual transactions, but we can confirm we have established due diligence procedures, tailored and updated to take account of our requirements to conduct business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations,” the auction house stated.

Source: Diamonds.net

Anglo announces latest De Beers’ rough diamond sales value

Anglo American plc announces the value of rough diamond sales (Global Sightholder Sales and Auctions) for De Beers’ sixth sales cycle of 2023, amounting to US$410 million.

The provisional rough diamond sales figure quoted for Cycle 6 represents the expected sales value for the period 10 and 25 July and remains subject to adjustment based on final completed sales.

Al Cook, CEO of De Beers, said: “In line with seasonal trends, rough diamond sales continued at a lower level during the sixth sales cycle of the year. Participants in the diamond industry’s midstream sector continue to take a cautious approach to purchases in light of ongoing macroeconomic challenges.”

Source: globalminingreview

De Beers Reduces Prices at Second Consecutive Sight

De Beers has sharply decreased its prices for select larger rough diamonds at this week’s sight, as the weak market has shown few signs of recovering.

The price cuts range from 5% to 15% in several categories for stones 0.75 carats and up, with an emphasis on 2-carat diamonds and larger, industry insiders told Rapaport News on Monday. Some of these goods already saw price reductions last month, they noted, while the 15% cuts are in a handful of sluggish categories that the miner left untouched in June.

De Beers has focused its adjustments on the lower-quality items for which demand has been especially slow, the sources said on condition of anonymity. Polished sales in SI to I2 clarities have slumped this year due to the overall weakness of US retail — the main market for this range — as well as competition from lab-grown diamonds.

The company also maintained its policy of allowing 30% buybacks for certain low-performing items, the industry sources said. Buybacks let sightholders sell a proportion of the rough they’ve purchased back to De Beers, allowing them to offload the stones that will generate the least profit. The limit is usually 10%.

De Beers declined to comment on the price changes.

The July sight — the sixth of the year — began Monday and runs through Friday in Gaborone, Botswana. It is the first sight since De Beers and the Botswana government announced a new 25-year mining license and a 10-year sales agreement that will see state-owned Okavango Diamond Company (ODC) gain access to 50% of the country’s rough over the course of 10 years.

The June session saw sales fall 32% year on year to $450 million after De Beers slashed prices of many categories above 1 carat. The negative trends that were present then have continued into July, with the seasonal US summer slowdown compounding the situation. Many manufacturers in India have lowered their polished production to around 50% capacity in response to low sales and tight margins. They have shifted to smaller, lower-value rough to keep factories running.

However, even a 15% price drop for rough is not enough to solve the problem, one executive at a sightholder company said Monday. “[Polished] prices have fallen more than that over the last couple of months. More importantly, there’s still no [foreseeable prospect] of sales. We are all still waiting for the US to wake up.”

Source: rapaport

Diamonds are for now: Botswana reach new deal with De Beers

Botswana has reached an eleventh-hour deal with diamond giant De Beers after months of tense negotiations that saw the continent’s top producer threatening to cut ties with the storied company.

The Botswana government and Anglo-American, the majority owner of De Beers, have reached an “agreement in principle”, the two sides said in a statement issued late Friday.

The agreement provides for a new 10-year agreement to sell the rough diamonds produced by Debswana — a joint venture equally owned by the government and De Beers — and a 25-year extension of its mining licenses.

The agreement also gives Botswana an increased 30 percent of diamond production for sale via the state-owned Okavango Diamond Company, progressively increasing to 50 percent in the final year of the contract, De Beers said in a separate statement on Saturday.

No value was given for the agreement.

The previous 2011 sale agreement between the southern African country, one of the continent’s richest, and the world’s largest diamond company by value, was extended exceptionally until June 30, 2023, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Under terms negotiated by the two sides in 2011, De Beers received 90 percent of the rough diamonds mined, while Botswana had 10 percent to sell itself.

In 2020, Botswana’s share was hiked to 25 percent.

President Mokgweetsi Masisi had threatened to cut ties with the company if the latest talks proved unfavourable for his country.

“If we don’t achieve a win-win situation each party will have to pack its bags and go,” he said in February.

The country turned up the heat the following month by announcing it would soon conclude an agreement to take a 24 percent stake in the Belgian diamond manufacturer HB Antwerp.

Last year, De Beers obtained about 70 percent of its rough diamonds from Botswana.

Diamond mining accounts for a third of the landlocked country’s GDP.

Source: arynews

Junior miner recovers spectacular pink diamond from banks of Middle Orange River

JOHANNESBURG- A junior diamond mining company has recovered a spectacular pink diamond from the banks of the Middle Orange River.

The diamond, named Protea Pink, is a fancy pink, 29.52 ct type II diamond, with unusual depth of colour and exceptional clarity. Its colour is reminiscent of the pink hues found in South Africa’s national flower, the protea.

This diamond was most likely derived from the 90-million-year-old Lesotho kimberlites and made a remarkable journey down the Orange river to be trapped in an ancient river terrace, approximately 500 km from its source, South African Diamond Producers Organisation (Sadpo) vice-chairperson and geologist Lyndon de Meillon stated in a release to Mining Weekly.

Sadpo, an organisation that aims to streamline the diamond diggers industry, is headed by CEO Yamkela Makupula, who is a director of Pioneer Tender House, where Protea Pink will be sold on tender in South Africa during the week of 26/30 June. The sale will end on Friday 30 June.

The Middle Orange River, which is known as the area with the highest average value per carat in the world, also has the lowest grade in carat per hundred tonnes of any area actively mined, De Meillon explained.

The modern-day alluvial diamond miner utilises no chemicals in the recovery process and rehabilitation of the mining areas has been proven to improve the carrying capacity of the land, De Meillon added.

Unemployment rates in the area are alarmingly high, exceeding 70%, with mining operations, such as this one by a junior miner, playing a crucial role in supporting the local economy by providing job opportunities and stimulating economic growth.

The revenue generated from diamond mining can contribute to infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and other essential services in the community.

Source: miningweekly

De Beers Sales Slide as Slow Trading Continues

De Beers’ sales value fell this month as global rough demand weakened and the miner reduced prices of its larger stones.

Proceeds dropped 32% year on year to $450 million at 2023’s fifth sales cycle from $657 million in the equivalent period a year earlier, De Beers reported Wednesday. Sales declined 6% compared with the $479 million that the fourth cycle brought in. The total included the June sight as well as auction sales.

“Following the JCK [Las Vegas] show, and with ongoing global macroeconomic challenges continuing to impact end-client sentiment, the diamond industry remains cautious heading into summer,” said De Beers CEO Al Cook. “Reflecting this, we saw demand for De Beers rough diamonds during the fifth sales cycle of the year slightly softer than in the fourth cycle.”

De Beers lowered prices at the sight by 5% to 10% mainly in 2-carat categories and larger, as well as for some 1- to 1.5-carat items, market insiders said. It also extended its buyback program, which allows sightholders to sell goods back to the miner following the purchase.

This reflected weakness in the rough that produces polished above 0.30 carats, and especially the stones that yield 1-carat finished diamonds. These sizes are especially weak in the US market amid economic uncertainty and a lull in engagements, dealers explained. Rough under 0.75 carats has seen a mild recovery as Indian manufacturers look to fill their factories with low-cost material.

Source: rapaport.com