Extra Facet in a Diamond
An extra facet in a diamond is an additional facet that is not part of the standard faceting pattern. These extra facets are typically unintended and can affect the diamond’s symmetry and overall appearance.
Causes of Extra Facets
Polishing Adjustments: Sometimes, extra facets are added during polishing to remove inclusions or surface blemishes.
Damage Repair: If a diamond has a small chip, an extra facet may be placed to smooth out the flaw.
Cutting Errors: Occurs when a cutter mistakenly places an additional facet that is not required by the ideal facet arrangement.
Intentional Artistic Choice: In rare cases, an extra facet may be added to enhance the diamond’s light performance.
Impact on Diamond Quality
Symmetry Grade Reduction – Extra facets can lower a diamond’s symmetry grade, affecting its overall cut rating.
Less Noticeable on the Pavilion – If the extra facet is placed on the pavilion (bottom part), it may not impact the diamond’s face-up appearance.
More Visible on the Crown or Table – If the extra facet is near the table (top surface), it can affect light reflection and reduce brilliance.
Effect on Value – While minor extra facets may have little effect on price, larger or poorly placed ones can decrease a diamond’s value.
How to Identify an Extra Facet?
Found in a diamond grading report, usually noted under clarity characteristics.
Labeled as “Extra Facet” on certification reports from GIA, DCLA, IGI, HRD, etc.
Visible under 10x magnification or a jeweller’s loupe.
Should You Buy a Diamond with an Extra Facet?
If it’s on the pavilion and doesn’t affect brilliance, it’s usually acceptable.
If it’s on the crown or table, consider how much it affects symmetry and light performance.
Always check the diamond certification report and inspect the diamond in different lighting conditions before purchasing.
An extra facet is an additional, unplanned facet on a diamond that is not part of the standard faceting pattern. It is usually added to remove a small inclusion, blemish, or natural rough spot without significantly altering the diamond’s symmetry.