The World Jewellery Confederation, an international confederation of national jewellery trade organizations. CIBJO’s purpose is to encourage harmonisation, promote international cooperation in the jewellery industry, and to consider issues that concern the trade worldwide. Foremost among these is to protect consumer confidence in the industry.


Term used to describe the relative presence or absence of inclusions in a diamond. Most diamonds, when formed, contain imperfections of one kind or another. Clarity, sometimes called purity, is one of the four c’s of diamond grading that determines the overall diamond quality and value.


Type of inclusion that appears as a slight break out of the edge of a diamond, larger than a nick. Chips are caused when a diamond receives a sharp knock or blow; they affect both the polish and clarity grade of a diamond.


Type of diamond inclusion that appears as an opening or large indentation on the surface of a diamond. A tiny version of a cavity is a called a pit. Cavities affect both the clarity grade and the polish grade of a diamond.


A complete, accurate report describing the specific characteristics of a diamond, issued by a recognised and independent diamond grading laboratory.  A diamond certificate lists all the characteristics of a diamond that allows you to determine its current appraisal and fair market value. Also called a Diamond Grading Report. A diamond certificate is not an appraisal and does not contain a monetary value. Click here for a guide to the information that a diamond certificate must have.