Synthetic Diamond

Man-made versions of the diamonds found in the earth. Synthetic diamonds have the same chemical structure and properties as natural diamonds, but are created in a laboratory in only a few days, instead of in the earth over billions of years – they sell at a much lower price. Click here to learn more about synthetic diamonds.


Diamond cut or shaped in an old-style cut with only 16 facets– 8 on the crown and 8 on the pavilion. This simple diamond cut is still used at times today for extremely small diamonds. Also known as an eight cut.


Sparkle of a diamond as light reflects off of its surface when it is moving, seen as quickly shifting flashes of light. The amount and intensity of sparkle depends on the quality of polish, as well as the size, shape, and symmetrical arrangement of facets.

Round Brilliant Cut

Diamond cut or shaped into a circular outline or circumference, with a cone-shaped pavilion. The standard round brilliant diamond has 57 or 58 facets, and is the most popular style of cutting.